Dental Implants

Dr. Jason Augustine
Your Phoenix Dental Implant Surgeon

Use of dental implants can halt bone loss that is often experienced with long-term use of dentures. Get started with a scheduled consult today!

missing front tooth before dental implants
Missing front tooth before Dental Implants
dental implants
After Dental Implants

Tooth loss can happen for a multitude of reasons including trauma, periodontal disease, injuries, and other oral health conditions. Dental implants are a wonderful option for any patient that is missing one tooth or all teeth. A dental implant is simply a new artificial root or permanent anchorage that is placed into your jaw to support a tooth/crown, multiple teeth/bridge or many other dental prosthetics like “snap-on” dentures to “full arch fixed/permanent teeth”.  Using the latest advances in his field, Dental Implants Specialist Dr. Augustine helps patients restore their mouth to optimal oral health and function and an aesthetic outcome to smile about.

As a Periodontist, Dr. Augustine has completed a formal specialty residency and received extensive training beyond Dental School.  He was well trained in the field of Periodontal and Implant Surgery/Implant Dentistry.  He has placed more than 10,000 implants since opening his practice in Phoenix in 2002.  Implants offer our patients greater freedom through many permanent treatment options, which not only increases function and health but also increases self-confidence. They are stronger and more natural looking than ever. An implant consultation with Dr. Augustine will tell you if you are a candidate for a dental implant option.

Dental Implants Procedure Education Videos

Single Implant

Single Implant (Anterior- Healing Cap)

This video shows you how a dental implant substitutes a missing front tooth’s root structure with a post placed into the bone and a special healing cap on top.

Single Implant (Posterior- Healing Cap)

This video shows you how a dental implant substitutes the root structure of a missing rear tooth, along with the placement of a special healing cap to promote the best result for the final tooth replacement.

Bridge Versus an Implant

This video shows you the differences between a bridge and a dental implant to replace a missing tooth, while reviewing the benefits and potential drawbacks of each.

Bone Graft with Immediate Implant Placement

This video shows you how bone graft can be used in conjunction with a dental implant to reinforce the tooth socket and provide a strong foundation for the implant.

Caring for a Dental Implant

This video shows you how to properly care for your dental implant to ensure its success and longevity.

Removable Full Arch Implant Options

Consequences of Bone Loss

This video provides an overview of the effects that missing teeth have on the jawbone and the gradual loss of bone that results.

Locator Retained Overdenture

This video shows you how a removeable overdenture can replace missing teeth using dental implants with special fittings that snap the denture in place within the mouth.

Bar Retained Overdenture

This video shows you how a removable bar-retained overdenture replaces missing teeth using dental implants attached to a fixed bar to limit denture movement and promote optimal mouth function.

Fixed Full Arch Implant Option

Fixed Hybrid Dentures

This video shows you how fixed-hybrid dentures, or screw-retained dentures, replace teeth and provide improved overall function for eating and speech.

Caring for a Hybrid Denture

Taking care of your screw-retained dentures is important. This video demonstrates how to properly care for your denture and the supporting implants to ensure its longevity.

Related Issue

Root Canal

This video shows you how root canal therapy can save a tooth with damaged or infected nerves and restore its natural function.

Root Canal Retreatment

This video shows you how a root canal retreatment can remove infection and save the tooth if the initial root canal did not heal properly leading the tooth to become re-infected.

Ready To Schedule A Consult?

4025 W. Bell Road Suite #4
Phoenix, AZ 85053
» Get Directions

New Patients: (480) 744-3881
Existing Patients: (602) 978-6910
Fax: 602-978-6920

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